Makar Sankranti sweetens the end of winter

Ojas/Adobe Stock

Today, on the 15th of January 2022, the Hindu festival Makar Sankranti is celebrated in many places across the Indian subcontinent. This festival marks the solstice and traditionally brings blessings for the end of winter and the new period.

Although the festival is celebrated differently locally, sugarcane is the central focus of all Makar Sankranti festivities. It is harvested and freshly processed into sweets. As a sign of reconciliation, it is also customary to give sweet treats to family and friends.

Would you like to use Makar Sankranti as an occasion to give away delicious sugar confectionery? In our Sweets Export Guideyou will find a wide selection of our German Sweets members. You can also find more confectionery classics and snack innovations in our current Product and Trade Fair Newsletter!

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German Sweets e.V.
