'Snacky' Thanksgiving

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Today, on 25th of November 2021, it is Thanksgiving in the US again. As every year, it is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November.

According to tradition, it goes back to the Pilgrim Fathers and is celebrated as a sign of peace and mutual help. In the meantime, Thanksgiving has become an official holiday that is typically spent with the family.

In addition to traditional turkey and pumpkin pie, Americans' favourite sweets - nibbles - are also popular. Especially in the afternoon, when family and friends gather to watch football, chips, crackers, pretzel sticks and the like are eaten in large quantities.

If you are looking for a change from classicsavoury snacks, you will find it in our Sweets Export Guide. In addition to crisps and crackers you can also find delicious alternatives such as crispbread and nuts. In the new year, you can also look forward to more snack and confectionery innovations in our Product and Trade Fair Newsletter, which will be published in January!

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German Sweets e.V.
