Sugar confectionery brings happiness

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While the new year has just begun in many parts of the world, the official turn of the year is still to come in many Asian countries. For example, in China the new year will be celebrated from the 12th of February 2021.

As in Western cultures, New Year's Eve is celebrated mainly with the family. In addition to numerous customs to ensure prosperity for the new year, sweets also play an important role in the Chinese New Year. Especially sugar confectionery such as sweets or chewy sweets in fruity flavours, "lucky candies" made of toffee or candied fruits are consumed in large quantities, as they are supposed to ‘sweeten’ the new year and bring good luck.

However, sugar confectionery is also a very popular product category in China during the rest of the year. Products ‘Made in Germany’ are enjoying growing popularity. Today, Germany is the largest European importer of sugar confectionery in China, as the interest in German quality products is so great.

Are you also interested in German sugar confectionery? You will find the large selection of our German Sweets members in our Sweets Export Guide. Further products and confectionery news from our manufacturers also await you in our Product and Trade Fair Newsletter three times a year.

Quelle: UN Comtrade 2020

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German Sweets e.V.
