Sweets Night Comeback: Fantastic Evening for the German Sweets Network

German Sweets/Verena Günther Fotografie

After three years of corona pandemic, Sweets Night finally made its big comeback. On April 22, German Sweets member companies finally had the opportunity to welcome their international guests to the Sweets Night on the eve of ISM in Cologne.

The German Sport & Olympia Museum welcomed around 250 guests from over 30 different countries, who were able to get in the mood for their visit to the trade fair in a pleasant atmosphere. With good conversations, accompanied by music, an excellent buffet and drinks, this year's Sweets Night continued the successful and beautiful pre-pandemic kick-off events. The pre-show with the presentation tables of German Sweets members enjoyed great attention and again formed the highlight of the event. The event was made possible again by the support of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture within the framework of export promotion.

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German Sweets e.V.
