Happy Gingerbread Day!

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This Sunday is that time again - Gingerbread Day is celebrated. Like many other curious holidays, the holiday for the delicious pastry also comes from the United States. There it is celebrated every year on the 5th of June. Nevertheless, the birthplace of the gingerbread is Germany. Here it exists in many variations.

Characteristic for gingerbread are the valuable ingredients such as almonds or honey. Since little or no water, milk or fat, is used, its consistency is quite firm. This gives gingerbread a long shelf life. Meanwhile, the delicious taste of gingerbread has become so established worldwide that it is also sold as a gingerbread spice and is used in numerous other confectionery products.

Why Gingerbread Day is celebrated in the United States in the summer is not known. Nevertheless, the holiday is a nice occasion to bring the winter pastry into the summer months. After all, there are many recipes and variations that make gingerbread a delicious snack all year round.

Are you also interested in the delicious gingerbread of our German Sweets members? You are sure to find what you are looking for in our online Sweets Export Guide. Further product news from the manufacturers also await you in our Product and Trade Fair Newsletter!

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German Sweets e.V.
