Happy Popcorn Day!

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Popcorn is a popular snack - especially in the United States of America it is in great demand. For this reason, National Popcorn Day is celebrated there every year on 19th of January.

The origin of the snack is also attributed to the American double continent. It is not known exactly when it was first prepared. However, the indigenous peoples of North and South America are said to have eaten popcorn. The snack then became popular in the 1920s together with the rise of cinema in the US.

Today, popcorn is eaten all over the world - whether as a sweet snack like in Germany or salted and buttered like in Ireland, Spain or the United States of America.

Are you interested in delicious popcorn? Then visit our Sweets Export Guide. Here you can find more snacks from our German Sweets members. Moreover, additional snack and confectionery innovations are featured in our current Product and Trade Fair Newsletter!

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German Sweets e.V.
