Valentine's Day - The Day of Sweet Love


Today is one of the best days to really spoil your beloved. Because today, February 14th, Valentine's Day is celebrated throughout most Western countries.

Especially in the USA, Valentine's Day is a very popular holiday. Sweets such as chocolate and pralines are a must for Americans on Valentine's Day. According to the NCA (National Confectioners Association), over 90% of Americans plan to enjoy Valentine's Day with presents of chocolates and other confectionery, and about 93% would enjoy a snackable gift for Valentine's Day. IRI (Information Resources, Inc.) reported that Valentine's Day accounts for approximately $4 billion in sales in the United States. A boost to revenue is expected this year on the back of eased Covid restrictions. So it seems to be holding true that love really does go through the stomach.

Are you still looking for a Valentine's Day gift or are you interested in purchasing German chocolates? You will find the wide range of our German Sweets members in our purchaser-focused Sweets Export Guide. Further products and confectionery news from the manufacturers additionally await you three times a year in our Product and Trade Fair Newsletter.

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German Sweets e.V.
