Save iCal 2025-05-14 15:002025-05-16 15:01Europe/BerlinHOFEX

HOFEX, Asia's leading trade fair for food and hospitality, will take place in Hong Kong from 14th to 16th May 2025.

For 34 years now, HOFEX has brought participants into a world of culinary delights by presenting a wide-ranging selection of foods and beverages at numerous exhibitors. In addition, HOFEX also offers a broad overview of food and beverage preparation and hospitality products.

This trade fair participation is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL).

Hong Kong

HOFEX, Asia's leading trade fair for food and hospitality, will take place in Hong Kong from 14th to 16th May 2025.

For 34 years now, HOFEX has brought participants into a world of culinary delights by presenting a wide-ranging selection of foods and beverages at numerous exhibitors. In addition, HOFEX also offers a broad overview of food and beverage preparation and hospitality products.

This trade fair participation is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL).


Organiser: Informa Markets
Location: Hong Kong

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German Sweets e.V.
