General Meeting & Export Conference

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German Sweets Exporttagung


06 - 08 November 2024

Once a year we organise a General Meeting and an Export Conference for our members. Each event takes place over two days.

General Meeting
At the General Meeting we report on the activities and strategies planned by German Sweets, which are intended to provide our member companies with even greater support at the present time. However, the General Meeting not only serves to ensure a smooth flow of information, but also to encourage the exchange of information among members. This is because the event is usually embedded in the overall programme of the Annual Conference. In addition to the General Meeting, the programme consists of numerous other activities, such as various export rounds, joint lunches and dinners and an interesting evening programme.

Export Conference
By contrast, the export conference addresses export-related topics. For example, topics such as distribution channels and innovative ideas in the context of digitisation are showcased. In addition to lectures and workshops on the topic of "exports", the focus here also lies upon an exchange with and among members. The event is again complemented by shared meals and an evening activity for the participants.

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German Sweets e.V.
