Successful German Sweets joint booth at Sweets & Snacks Expo 2023 in Chicago

German Sweets

The German joint booth at the Sweets & Snacks Expo 2023 in Chicago has been successfully run by German Sweets for many years and is the oldest international pavilion at the most important American confectionery trade show. Exhibitors at the German Sweets joint booth this year included Coppenrath Feingebäck, Niederegger, XOX-Gebäck and Ludwig-Schokolade with its Sweet Haven brand. The German Sweets lounge area was again sponsored by the Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank.

The new, impressive booth concept was very well received by both exhibitors and visitors. The hanging sign at the joint stand underlined the visibility of the stand from the entrance of the fair and thus ensured an excellent perception of the German exhibitors from the very first day and helped the exhibitors to have a large number of qualitative discussions. Against the backdrop of the successful trade show, the confectionery manufacturers are already looking optimistically to the coming year at the new trade show location in Indianapolis.

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German Sweets e.V.
