Happy World Vegan Day!

ChrisSteer von Getty Images/Canva

This year, the anniversary of World Vegan Day took place on the 1st of November once again. This special day has been celebrated since the 1990s to raise awareness of a vegan diet.

Today, more and more people are opting for a plant-based lifestyle. The reasons are varied: ethics, animal welfare and environmental protection, sustainability or their own health.

People following a vegan or vegetarian diet, do not have to go without anything, as vegan products have now gained a permanent place on supermarket shelves. Even those with a sweet tooth can find a wide selection of delicious vegan confectionery and snacks such as chocolate, sugar confectionery, snacks, ice cream and much more.

Many of our German Sweets member companies are also manufacturers of vegan confectionery and snacks. See for yourself the great selection in our official buyers guide the Sweets Export Guide. You can also expect more product news from the manufacturers in our Product and Trade Fair Newsletter!

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German Sweets e.V.
