Sweet token of love

ChristArt/Adobe Stock

For Valentine's Day fans, this week is all about love. This is because on February 14, lovers around the world traditionally give each other small gifts. Today, Valentine's Day is no longer reserved for couples. It is now also celebrated within the family or among friends.

No matter with whom Valentine's Day is spent, the central idea of the custom has remained the same to this day - a beloved person is to be given a little joy. In addition to flowers, sweet Valentine's greetings are given away with particular pleasure. German chocolates and chocolate goods, which are not only delicious and of high quality, but also lovingly and beautifully packaged to match the celebration, are particularly popular.

Are you still looking for a Valentine's Day gift or are you interested in German chocolates? You can find the large selection of our German Sweets members in our shopping guideSweets Export Guide. Further products and confectionery news from the manufacturers also await you three times a year in our Product and Trade Fair Newsletter.

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German Sweets e.V.
