White Day

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Exactly one month after Valentine's Day, the White Day is coming up in many East Asian countries on the 14th of March. The day is celebrated for example in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan.

The special holiday owes its name "White Day" to the fact that white confectionery, such as white chocolate or light-coloured chocolates, are particularly popular as gifts. Thanks to their white colour, they are supposed to bring good luck to loved ones.

White Day, also known as "the other Valentine's Day", results from the tradition that in certain Asian countries, women often give presents to men on Valentine's Day. Since it is also common practice for gifts to be followed by counter-presents, men give thanks for their Valentine's Day presents on White Day. For this purpose, they gift women with chocolate, other sweets, or small presents.

Our member’s diverse selection of "white" confectionery suitable for White Day, is depicted in our Sweets Export Guide. Moreover, there are more product news awaiting you in our Product and Trade Fair Newsletter!

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German Sweets e.V.
