Evening reception "Thank You Chicago": Transatlantic networking evening for German confectionery manufacturers and US partners

German Sweet e. V.

On Tuesday evening, May the 23rd, the "Thank You Chicago" evening reception was held as part of this year's Sweets & Snacks Expo in the USA, organized by German Sweets and the BDSI. The excellently attended networking event, which was supported by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) as part of its export promotion program, offered representatives of German confectionery manufacturers a good opportunity to build new business contacts and to network further with relevant partners.

Bastian Fassin, chairman of the BDSI, outlined the successful development of German confectionery exports to the U.S., which now amount to a value of about 640 million euros. He also recalled the tensions between the European Union and the U.S. due to various WTO disputes with their negative effects on uninvolved branches such as the confectionery industry. With the German Confectionery Coalition launched by the BDSI, the association successfully defended itself against the U.S. punitive tariffs on confectionery and the extension to other product groups.

Jan Fock, export manager of Niederegger, spoke on behalf of the German Sweets exhibitors at the Sweets & Snacks Expo and highlighted the many contacts that have been established in Chicago over the past decades. With the move of the confectionery fair to Indianapolis next year, it was time to say "Thank You Chicago" after 26 years. Consul General Wolfgang Mössinger emphasized the importance of transatlantic relations between Germany and the United States. Economic exchange, which includes the growing trade in confectionery, is an important foundation for this, he said. The evening event took place on the premises of the German-American Chamber of Commerce on the 35th floor above North Michigan Avenue. With a view of the Millennium Park and Lake Michigan, the guests were able to meet and exchange ideas in a pleasant atmosphere.

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German Sweets e.V.
