Chinese Moon Festival - Sweet ingredients from Germany for all occasions

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The Moon Festival is celebrated in China every year on the 15th day of the eighth month in the Chinese lunar calendar. This year this falls on the 10th of September in the Gregorian calendar. In numerous other Asian countries such as South Korea, Vietnam or Japan, there are similar festivities, but they are celebrated under different names.

The centerpiece of the festival is the mooncake, which is a popular gift to family members or friends. The moon cake is homemade. It is available in various sweet and savory variations, which differ depending on the region. Sweet moon cakes, for example, can be filled with fruits, nuts, poppy seeds or other ingredients. On the moon festival itself, the cakes are then eaten together. In larger cities, there are often larger celebrations with lantern displays and dragon dances.

International buyers of sweet ingredients can find information on German suppliers in our Sweets Exports Guide. Further news from the manufacturers also await you in our Product and Trade Fair Newsletter!

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German Sweets e.V.
