Chocolate Father Christmases from Germany enjoy great popularity worldwide

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In Germany, St Nicholas Day has had a hallowed place in the annual calendar for generations. While shoes and boots are polished and placed in front of doors, children look forward to St Nicholas coming and leaving these filled with little surprises. In this traditional season of gift-giving, St Nicholas Day also represents a key event for the confectionery industry.

According to a survey conducted by the Association of the German Confectionery Industry (BDSI), around 167 million chocolate Santas and Father Christmases were produced in 2023. Chocolate Father Christmases are also very important from a confectionery export perspective. This is because 62 million chocolate Father Christmases were delivered abroad this year, bringing joy to many people in a wide selection of countries. In addition to consumers in neighbouring European countries such as the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, and Belgium, chocolate fans of all ages are also treated to chocolate figures from Germany in Scandinavia, Great Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa.

There is a fitting product to suit every palate, be it milk chocolate, white chocolate, praline filling, or vegan varieties. This diversity ranges from different sizes and shapes to various motifs. The use of sustainably certified cocoa is of particularly note and importance.

Importers can find a large selection of German confectionery manufacturers in our online Sweets Export Guide. You can also find more products and confectionery news from manufacturers in our Product and Trade Fair Newsletter, which is published three times a year.

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German Sweets e.V.
