More than 50 million sweet German chocolate figures capture international markets Stock

'Santa Clause is coming to town'

In the pre-Christmas period, sweet surprises are particularly popular. Especially on St. Nicholas Day, the joy of chocolate Santas is especially great. Thus, the chocolate figures delight in all variations (made of milk, dark or white chocolate).

The German confectionery industry plays an important role in this sweet and popular tradition. Since, German confectionery manufacturers produced over 151 million chocolate Father Christmases in 2020. Around two thirds of these, around 100 million items, are sold in the German home market.

Seasonal products manufactured in Germany are also very popular abroad. One third, about 51 million, of the chocolate Santas are exported to foreign countries.

The largest share of exports goes to Germany's European neighbours. The German chocolate Santa Clause are particularly popular in France, Austria, and Great Britain. However, even overseas markets like USA, Canada, and Australia show a growing demand.

You are interested in German chocolate Father Christmases? More information on the delicious cocoa and chocolate seasonal products of our German Sweets members areavailable in our shopping guide Sweets Export Guide.

Source: Association of the German Confectionery Industry (BDSI)

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German Sweets e.V.
